About Us
Maple Avenue Elementary PFT Meetings are at 7:30pm on the 2nd Thursday every month on Zoom. Join us Here.
An agenda will be sent to all PFT members several days before the meeting.
Maple Avenue PFT Mission Statement
Maple Avenue’s Parents and Faculty Together (PFT) builds bridges between families and schools in our community. Through meaningful events and effective fundraising, we enhance learning experiences, strengthen communication between home and school and celebrate every child.
Established in 1986, the PFT is comprised of parent and staff members who are interested in enriching the Maple Avenue Elementary School community. Members are encouraged to volunteer to support PFT activities. By volunteering and fundraising, the PFT supports a variety of school programs within the Maple Avenue Elementary School Community.
Maple Avenue PFT Board of Directors
Maple Avenue PFT Board of Directors are comprised of Parent Volunteers who dedicate their time to making Maple Avenue Elementary School a better place for the community.
President - Kimberley Fasano 603-377-0287 kimfasano@gmail.com or MapleAvenuePFT@gmail.com
Vice-President- Leita Bourque 603-231-9427 leitabbhs@gmail.com
Membership Coordinator - Holly Croteau 603-325-7842 hollycroteauPFT@gmail.com
Treasurer - Racheal Comstock 603-930-0577 kuzmickr@gmail.com
Secretary Bethany Tremblay 603-361-1456 bethanyntremblay@gmail.com
Principal Representative William Demers 603-497-3330 William.Demers@sau19.org
Teacher Representative Kristen Baldyga 603-497-3330 Kristen.baldyga@sau19.org
PFT Supported Programs
Provide Field Trips
Classroom Supplies Reimbursements
School and Community Events
Spelling Bee
Enrichment Activities & Programs
Staff Grants for Special Programs
Playground Equipment Maintenance
Memorial Day Event
Staff Appreciation Week
Maple Avenue Student Scholarships for enrichment opportunities

2024/2025 PFT Welcome Packet (Coming Soon)

Our Achievements
On January 19th 2021, The Maple Avenue PFT received notification from the NH Partners in Education that Maple Avenue School was chosen to receive the Blue Ribbon Award for the second year in a row. This award is given to schools who have a high level of volunteerism in their school. We had 2,329 volunteer hours for the school year 2019-2020! The Maple Avenue PFT also received the Gold Ribbon award for our support of Maple Avenue School. Thank you to all the volunteers who put in countless hours for your dedication and support of the PFT and Maple Avenue!